Yasmina Марокко
Твоя наступна відпустка
Марокканський рай для сімей і спорту
Вирушайте в марокканський відпочинок на Середземному морі в клубі Med Yasmina, який ідеально підходить для насолоди Гібралтарською протокою та «Білим містом» Танжера. Розкинувшись серед садів жасмину й олеандру поруч із золотистим пляжем, цей сімейний курорт типу "все включено" в Марокко ідеально підходить для любителів спорту. Подивіться, як ваші діти вчаться плавати, удосконалюйте свій розмах на полі для гольфу Cabo Negro, відпрацьовуйте свою подачу на наших тенісних кортах з ґрунтовим покриттям, а потім охолодіться в нашому шикарному пейзажному басейні. Завершіть день традиційною рибою тагіном, приготованою на грилі з місцевим перцем, оливками та лимоном у нашому ресторані просто неба.
The best reasons to go
Прибережний Едем
Вы здесь
Курорт, що спускається через ароматні сади до пляжу, з видом на Середземне море та гори Риф
Марокканське мистецтво життя
Местный колорит
Відчуйте, як оживає марокканська культура через дизайн, смаки, кольори та багатовікові традиції
Безкінечний ігровий майданчик
Вдосконалюйте свою подачу або удар, ковзайте по морю, піднімайтеся на трапецію або катайтеся верхи — тут на вас чекає безліч занять
Готові до відкриттів
Відвідайте одне з захоплюючих міст поблизу: синє місто Шефшауен або Тетуан з його історичною старою мединою
Краса природи покорить вас
What do they think?
Beautiful location, memorable cultural experiences and good service
Having visited several Club Med resorts in the last decade, this comes close to being one of the best. The property is well maintained with beautiful gardens bursting with color everywhere. Mention must be made of a special G.O. who made us feel so welcome - Mouss from Archery. He was the perfect host, not only to us but to other GMs as well. We observed how he took special care of each guest in his care, as if they were visiting him in his own home. Now that is taking service to another level!!.
Another lovely club med
Lovely resort which I had not been to before, we were made very welcome by lots of GOs who we have met before especially Nourredine in the bar and Kenza in reception.
A great week - we will go back !
We have been to several Club Meds and this was our first visit to Yasmina. We had been put off before by people saying “too many steps” but they have built a lovely new restaurant (Gibraltar) on the beach and the whole layout works well. We will definitely go back next year. We just took standard rooms in the Altair section and they were perfect - clean, functional with a great sea view. No fancy extras but then we don’t spend any time in the room except for showering (worked perfectly with lovely new products) and sleeping (quiet and comfortable with air con if you need) There is a great beach with catamaran, paddle etc. We did catamaran and it was great. My daughter played golf and took lessons (with Zoubire) which she loved. We did the early morning stretch yoga which was brilliant.
We are well all week. Plenty of food and good quality. We had the same table each day on the edge of the terrace (served by Driss who was very helpful) followed at lunchtime by coffees in the bar (served by the excellent Noureddine who also makes the best cocktails - we really missed his cocktail bar from Marrakech - a new drink every evening). The animations were also top a quiz with Jalil, the wonderful Kenza singing and the CDV Said who held it all together and made it all work. There was a really nice atmosphere and we enjoyed it.
Something for everyone!
Visited as a family with 13 and 17 year olds in July.
A very good resort - safe, friendly and a variety of activities to do in perfect weather. Relaxing, fun and quality family time.
Resort was a little tired in places but comfort of the beds, service and food made up for it.
Not the easiest resort to navigate for non- fluent french speakers but that added to the charm!
Tennis, golf and archery were BRILLIANT!
Main pool was v busy/ loud but the quiet pool area was perfect!
Wifi a little varied in the beach area.
Overall a very good Med resort.
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Трансфер в/з:
Трансфер в / з аеропорту Танжер - Tanger-Ibn-Batouta: 1h30m
Трансфер між курортом і аеропортом Тетоуан: 15m
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