Michès Playa Esmeralda Домініканська Республіка
Твоя наступна відпустка
Приїжджайте до раю
Відвідайте райський куточок у Club Med Michès Playa Esmeralda, нашому розкішному еко-курорті в Домініканській Республіці, що працює за системою «все включено». Зірка нашої ексклюзивної колекції, цей екологічно чистий пляжний притулок складається з чотирьох окремих бутік-селищ, що обіцяють індивідуальний відпочинок: Бухта Дослідників для сімей, Карибський рай для активних гостей, Смарагдові джунглі для тих, хто шукає оздоровлення, та Архіпелаг для пар. Пограйте в сімейному басейні та відшукайте нашу секретну шоколадну кімнату, омолоджуйтеся за допомогою йоги на верхівках дерев та дзен-зони в джунглях або знайдіть свій ритм на наших уроках сальси. Рай чекає на вас!
Нестандартні рішення
Вы здесь
Відпочиньте в обіймах природи на нашому розкішному еко-шикарному курорті, розташованому між чистим пляжем і жвавими джунглями.
Вишукана тиша
Відпочиньте у безтурботності, де на вас чекає вишуканий дизайн, спокій, розкішні зручності та високий рівень обслуговування.
Відновлюючі ритуали
Ваша оздоровча подорож завдяки йозі на верхівках дерев, ритуалам краси предків у спа-центрі 5 Mondes та смачній здоровій кухні.
Вечір у стилі
Потанцюйте під ритми меренге на Sunset Ritual або випийте коктейль на березі моря.
Побалуйте себе преміальним відпочинком на розкішному еко-курорті в тропіках.
What do they think?
Awesome family stay in late november/early december.
Awesome family stay in Miches!
We’re actually still here at the moment, finishing our 5th day, but wanted to go ahead and post anyway because some recent comments were influenced by events outside the resort’s control (IMO) and don’t reflect what I’m currently experiencing.
First of all, the rooms are great, even on the first floor. Our rooms were obviously flooded recently, with damage to some moldings, but everything is functional and it’s not at all a deal-breaker. It doesn’t feel humid, there’s not many bugs (other than outdoor at sunset/night) and I’ve brought bug spray for no reason in the end (because of recent comments).
The food is the best I’ve had in a sun resort. It’s varied, and the main restaurant feels sufficient to not pay any extra for other restaurants. I’m a pretty private person, especially when it comes to family time, and I didn’t feel obligated to socialize with GOs/other guests, although there were plenty of opportunities to do so. It was a small interrogation I had going in, which is why I mention it for other introverts out there.
The sports are all open and the GO teams are great. I’ve had a lot of fun wing-boarding and my trapeze sessions were exciting and well coached (I asked for tips on how to get to the point where I’d be able to get caught by another trapezist and they obliged, though I won’t try it out in the end). The wife has only good things to say of both the setting and the variety of yoga classes. She particularly liked the aerial yoga class. We went on the e-surf activity and although it was rather steep, we had a lot of fun and I coulnd’t have organised it at home anyway.
The grounds don’t really seem to have suffered from the recent large amounts of rain, other than for the fact that the playground is closed due to them.
We sent our 4 and 6 yo boys to the kid’s club for almost a full day and they had a blast. Our 4 yo actually went and did some trapeze himself! They were proud to participate in wednesday’s show. The Go teams were great.
The pools are all in great condition and very enjoyable, from the shallow children’s pool to the zen no-kids pool, which is gorgeous and isolated for more calm.
All-in-all an amazing stay! It was our first in a Club Med, but certainly not our last, as we’re now sold to the whole package it offers, and the general vibe it brings.
Thank you for everything!
We had a wonderful stay at Club Med Michès Esmeralda with our family! Everything was perfect. First and foremost, a big thank you to the amazing GO team for making our stay so enjoyable. We were warmly welcomed by Stephen, the head of the division. That same evening, Luna encouraged my kids to join the mini club for the first time, and they absolutely loved it!
A shoutout to the fantastic G.O.s like Iara (Cristiano Ronaldo's cousin 😅), Nico, Morgan the mini club Manager, and Princess Coco. Apologies if I missed anyone! The sports and nautical teams, led by Nico (who does 1,000 push-ups a day—impressive!), were also fantastic. The circus team, along with Tikki (the king of Trapeze) and Julie, added to the fun.
The bar staff, kitchen, and restaurant teams were excellent as well. A special mention to the G.E.s for their remarkable work. Everything was orchestrated beautifully by our chef de village, Théo, who seemed to be everywhere at once.
Thank you all for making our stay so pleasant! If I forgot anyone, please know you were all perfect!
Vacances geniales a Miches !!
The teens club was amazing, I had the most fun in a while! We did the best stuff and we had the best G.Os, NICO AND IARA!
I wish i could have stayed longer and i hope i can come back next year with the same group! Even though we had a lot of rain last week, we didn't even realize it thanks to the teens club. Its a great place.
Marie H
Over the top 🔝
We just spent a week in club Med Miches . Beach is beautiful , food delicious , great activities !! We really enjoyed Yoga class and aquagym. A huge thank you to the team of the petit club 🙏🙏 Our 3,5 years old daughter had the best time they are just AMAZING !!!
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Ризик малярії відноситься тільки до деяких віддалених зон далеко від Містечка, уздовж кордону Haпtian Хантян. Ризик відноситься до найбільш небезпечною формою малярії (блискавична малярія), тому необхідні серйозні профілактичні заходи (хіміопрофілактика і протимоскітні репеленти).
У Містечку постійно знаходиться медсестра.
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Трансфер в/з:
Трансфер в / з аеропорту Пунта-Кана: 1h15m
Трансфер з / до аеропорту Санто Домінго: 3h
Аеропорт La Romana: 2h
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