Ixtapa Pacific Мексика
Твоя наступна відпустка
Сімейний притулок на сонячному тихоокеанському узбережжі Мексики
Розважтеся серед теракотових дахів і пальм у Club Med Ixtapa Pacific. Цей сімейний курорт із системою «все включено» в Ікстапі, Мексика, отримав нагороду Tripadvisor Travellers’ Choice і сповнений незвичайних вражень. Досліджуйте скарби затоки з найкращого місця для підводного плавання в Тихому океані, спостерігайте, як щойно вилупилися черепахи здійснюють свою першу подорож в океан, і милуйтеся приголомшливими заходами сонця, катаючись на байдарках навколо острова Ікстапа. Або просто поніжтеся на сонці на наших золотих пляжах і спостерігайте за дітьми, які граються в морі. Сімейні розваги завжди не за горами в Club Med Ixtapa Pacific.
The best reasons to go
Відзначений напрямок
Вы здесь
Дослідіть Зіуатанехо, "місце, яке варто відвідати" за версією New York Times, за його чарівність і зусилля, спрямовані на захист природи.
Чудеса дикої природи
Поспостерігайте за дикою природою Мексики з дельфінами, морськими черепахами, папугами та ігуанами.
Дух автентичної Мексики
Местный колорит
Пориньте у яскраве серце мексиканської культури через святкові вечори, місцеву музику та дегустації мескалю.
Кулінарний тур Мексикою
Відчуйте смак Мексики, скуштувавши автентичні місцеві страви на пляжних барбекю та по четвергах Pozole.
Надихайтеся атмосферою асьенде
What do they think?
Robert K
Amazing winter break at Club Med Ixtapa
My wife, daughter and myself went to Club Med Ixtapa in early January 2025. We had an amazing time. The food at the buffet was very good with an excellent variety through out the week. We sailed on the Hobie Cats on windier days, Played tennis and pickle ball. The instructors, Dylan and Luna were absolutely amazing(very personable, fun and talented). They also led a lot of the evening activities and were so much fun and engaging with us. Julio the bartender was also a standout as he sat down with us and really took time out of his evening to chat. He made fantastic cocktails as well. We will be back
Life as it should be
Our second time at Club Med Ixtapa and love it there. The village is small and beautiful, weather is perfect (30C pretty much every day) and the sunsets over the ocean can’t be beat. The rooms are simple but comfortable but who cares when you have that beach to spend the day on!
A special shout out to a couple of the GOs who helped make a great week even better. Izzy (archery) and Gerardo (land sports) were amazing.
The Essence of Club Med!
Our fourth visit to CM Ixtapa, the first in 7 years, did not disappoint. It was perfect! We weren't sure what to expect as we had a disappointing visit to CM Cancun in 2024. So, we were delighted that the CM brand is thriving in Ixtapa! The GO team was exceptional and fully embodied the CM spirit - from sitting with GMs at dinner to actively participating in the nightly shows and doing many Crazy Signs - all the things that make CM unique. Thank you for investing so much in the GO shows– we enjoy them very much. The turtle release was also an absolute treat.
I wish I had all the GOs names, but I must call out the ones we spent the most time with:
Sammy (mini club - a bright, engaging, lovely fellow Canadian who ensures every GM's needs are met. We were happy to spend time with her again after meeting in Cancun last year); Bruno (land sports - a funny, smiling, outgoing Brazilian with lots of energy and a shared love of street dogs); Jorge (Tennis - very happy to provide high-level tennis for the GMs and an animal lover too); Dorian (water sports - one of the nicest guys who gave the best-delivered sailing lessons ever); Yuki (meditation/singing bowls - her smile alone is worth going to a class and we loved the unique singing bowl relaxation); Issam (sports - always smiling, always busy, always happy, always around - make sure you see his Tina Turner impression LOL); Alejandro (animation - going out of his way to make sure we could watch Australian Open on the TV in the bar and just being a lovely guy to talk to); Joy (Bar team – focused on making the best cocktails and dancing like there's no tomorrow! Thanks for teaching us how to make a New York Sour); Hector, Miriam and Nicole (reception – they seem to be everywhere and always working and we enjoyed our chats); Luna (pickleball and tennis – thanks for keeping the masses of pickleball players organized and having fun).
Others whom we did not spend as much time with but we enjoyed meeting: (Hazel, choreography and the lovely costume designer whose name I don’t have), Manuel and Felipe (bar), Fefa, Sofie and Thais (mini club), and newly arrived Kyle (sports). AND MANY OTHERS! We appreciated the work of the GEs, too.
Last but not least, Nathan (see below) was always around, ensuring we were cared for. I'm sure he didn't sleep all week. Thank you!!!
NOTE: The CDV Daniel attended corporate meetings in Miami for 5 days of our stay, yet the GOs maintained 100% engagement with the GMs. We got a note in our room that Daniel would be offsite (a nice touch). He has a great team representing him when he's away (hey, you, Nathan!!!).
"Hands Up" until our next visit. Keep the magic alive Ixtapa Team. We love you!
Natalie G
Amazing vacay
Our stay was amazing and everyone is so friendly. The personnel is great and always treated us very well. I want to thank Hector from reception for his excellent service 👏🏻. Highly recommend club med ixtapa and can't wait to go back. I do recommend to improve the entertainment shows.
Naomi T
If you love warm weather, swimming in the ocean, looking at the ocean, hearing the ocean, tanning, drinks, dancing, laughing, pools, great food, actives for you and the whole family. Club Med Ixtapa has something for everyone. I wish I could have stayed longer. Will for sure be tell everyone about it and hopefully I can com back soon.
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